Casting Call: 5 queer actors* for short no-budget film about queer friendship

Casting Call: 5 queer actors* for short no-budget film about queer friendship

Casting Call: 5 queer actors* for short no-budget film about queer friendship 150 150 azaxicey
  • Schauspiel
  • Berlin


We are looking for 5 queer actors* in their twenties for our no-budget student short film about queer friendship set in Berlin. The script is in English so internationals are encouraged to apply!
Shooting will take place in Berlin at the end of May 2025 but will take multiple weekends since we want to create a nice atmosphere.
The characters each have a description but their background stories and gender identities are not fixed. We want to work with you on developing them and incorporate your identity and experiences within the characters.

Sign up for auditions until the 06.03. here:

We’re excited to meet you!
Vee & Assa

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