Blistering Barnacles Productions (Sweden)
I’m Dan Asenlund, a Swedish writer and director currently in Berlin to shoot three short films. My previous work (Four Degrees of Jonas Rydell and most recently, Cassandra Insköld’s Last Word) have screened at major genre festivals in Asia and picked up awards worldwide.
As Cassandra Insköld’s Last Word (a dark love letter to 1920s’ Stockholm and completed last year) was a mid-length film that drained most of my funds and took two years to make, I wanted to do something completely different this time around and wrote an omnibus of three 5-7 minute shorts, a “Berlin I love you” if you will. This city has always held a special place in my heart and I’m currently here for half a year (until mid-March).
I’ve already assembled a talented crew that I’m very excited to work with, led by producer Dorothea Tomsits and DoP Anka Mudra. We also have a gaffer and runner but are still looking for a sound recordist. Due to the reasons mentioned above I’m afraid the work will be unpaid, but I will of course provide food as well as a fun and creative working environment (where we’ll speak mostly English but also German). And I will pay for any equipment rental fees needed. I have high hopes that these shorts, both as an omnibus and each separately, will have a good shot at being selected for major festivals. Since the films are so short there will be a maximum of two filming days for each (see below for specific dates).
Film A is a David Bowie-themed magic realism, film B a Kafkaesque mystery and film C an edgy relationship drama celebrating the hedonism and openness of Berlin.
The shooting dates will be as follows (all in Berlin, of course):
Film B: 15 and 16 February (just one day for the male character)
Film A: 22 February
Film C: 1 and 2 March
Please contact me if you are interested in being a part of this exciting project. If you can do all three films that would be amazing, but if only one of them (especially the first one, Film B) that would also work. Please tell me what experience you have and what sound equipment you have access to. I will provide samples of my previous work upon request.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
- Dan Asenlund, writer and director, Blistering Barnacles Productions (Sweden)
Instagram: danasenlund
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