Upload your Trailer!
Auf dieser Seite könnt ihr alle nötigen Daten für euren Trailer oder Teaser angeben. Bitte ladet keinen Trailer ohne diese Angaben hoch, da wir ihn sonst nicht veröffentlichen können.
Bei Fragen, meldet euch gerne an das PR-Komitee: publicrelations@lists.filmarche.de
On this page you can enter all necessary data for your trailer or teaser. Please don’t upload a trailer without this information, otherwise we can’t publish it.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the PR committee: publicrelations@lists.filmarche.de
Thank you for sharing your work!
Thank you!
We want to share your work and show what you’ve created at filmArche!
But we can only share your work as far, as you give us your permission.
How to upload
You can upload your files either via drag & drop from your computer …
… or you can click the „+“-icon on the top-left corner of your screen and choose the file that is located on your computer.
Depending on your internet-connection this may take some minutes. You can see a progress-bar on the top of the page.
If your upload is completed, your Trailer will be visible in the folder.